Sunday, February 7, 2010

Module 5-Technology and Media Distance Education

Click on the concept map below to see a larger view.With several innovative technologies, it is challenging to determine which ones effectively allow learners to capture information and ones that increase cognitive learning. "Static technologies allow learners to capture information while dynamic technologies are tools that increase cognitive learning" (Moeller, 2008). The technologies that are popular in the 21st century help students capture information and gain new knowledge. From my own observation as a high school educator, these technologies also increase higher level thinking and promote critical thinking. Since distance education has become popular multi-media approach and utilization of advanced communication technologies is intrinsic to the distance education universities
Static Technologies (Communication)
The technologies that I assumed were static (allows learners to capture information) were:
  1. Teleconferencing
  2. Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
  3. Skype

Teleconferencing is electronic communication between two or more people at a distance. Teleconferencing is used mostly on the college and university level and facilitate interactions between students and teachers. Electronic Mail (E-mail) is the most widely used communication and allows students in interact with each other and with their instructors to capture information. Lastly, a Skype is a form of social network that allows for communication. It literally allows you to make calls over the Internet. Skype is a fairly new innovation technology and has been used in college and university as communication tools for students and teachers.

Static Technologies (Content)

  1. Internet
  2. Video Podcast (YouTube/Teacher Tube)
  3. Audio Podcast

The Internet has had major impacts on student learning and retention. In my opinion, it is the most widely used form of technology used inside of the classroom and in education. Students and teachers from all over the world are learning from audio and video programs on desktop computers, laptops, iPods, Pocket PCs, Palm handhelds, and other devices(Learning in Hand:Podcasting). Video Podcast such as youtube and teacher tube have helped student capture information as well. Web sites like let educators post instructional videos and share thoughts and lesson plans with colleagues across the globe in a format similar to YouTube (Cardine). I have used audio podcast in my classroom before to help students capture information as well. Audio podcasts are usually an MP3 file and are the most common types of podcasts(Learning in Hand:Podcasting).

Static Technologies (Collaboration)

  1. Wiki Spaces
  2. Websites (Instructional)
  3. Search Engines (i.e Google, AskJeeves,Yahoo, Bing)

Wikis have been around for a substantial amount of time, however it is recently that they have been used in the education field. According to Gant (2006), “Wikis have been heralded as one of a number of new and powerful forms of software capable of supporting a range of collaborative ventures and learning activities.” Instructional Websites such as Brainpop, Cool Math, and USA Test Prep are the most common sites used at my school that helps students to capture information daily. Sometimes when my students get done with their work early, they log on to these sites to use their time wisely. Search engines such as google, askjeeves, yahoo, and bing also help students capture information however, they must be used correctly for the best results.

Dynamic Technologies (Communication)

The technologies that I assumed were dynamic (tools that increase cognitive learning) were:

  1. Discussion Boards
  2. Social Networks
  3. Instant Messaging

From my usage of discussion boards while enrolled in my Master's Degree courses and currently, this form of communication has increased my critical thinking. It allows me to understand how my peers feel about certain topics and get their opinion on my way of thinking. It allows for ideas to be shared and higher level thinking to occur. Social networking and instant messaging is also a form of communication that allows for peer communication for ideas to be shared.

Dynamic Technologies (Content)

  1. Electronic Books (E-Books)
  2. Online Journals (i.e. Galieo, GalNet)
  3. Digital Storytelling

Electronic Books also known as e-books are portable, electronic "reader" device that is substantially smaller and technologically simpler than the average laptop computer (STUDENTS SWITCH-ON ELECTRONIC BOOKS IN). It is a challenge trying to get students to read, but there is something about technology that makes students want to learn. Since the eBooks are portable, students can take them anywhere and learn on an individualized level. Online Journals Databases such as Galileo and Galnet as also virtual text that increases cognitive learning. I encourage and require my students to use online journals on the high school level so that they do not just rely of the results from their search engines to enhance their knowledge. Digital storytelling is also another type of virtual text that increase cognitive learning as well.

Dynamic Technologies (Collaborative)

  1. Video Conference
  2. Blogs
  3. Power Point Comments (from students)

Video conferencing for schools can also ignite an interest and enthusiasm for learning that traditional teaching methods sometimes can't(Horton). I have used blogs inside of my classroom every year and I post a question a question on the boards for the students to blog about to increase their cognitive thinking. They read each others post and share their ideas. I also allow my students to open up each others Power Point and post comments on them as another form of collaborative technology.

Works Cited

Agarwal, Rajshree. "The Impact of the Internet ." Research in Economic Education (1998).

Cardine, Sara. "Is Education Ready for YouTube." ED Tech (2008).

Grant, L. (2006). Using Wikis in Schools: A case study. FutureLab , May 2006.

Horton, Jennifer. How Classroom Video Conferencing Works . 7 Feburary 2010

Learning in Hand:Podcasting. 7 February 2010


1 comment:

  1. Kimberly,

    You have laid out your concept may clearly. Its balance in color and shapes is appealing to the eye.

    I wonder how you see Skype as a static technology. I think, based on the nature of its use, it could facilitate dynamic conversation and collaboration. It is in the infancy stage and I think more collaborative features may emerge as technologies merge.

    How do you see Power Point Comments from students as being a collaborative tool at the dynamic end of the technology spectrum? Is it the ability to ascertain areas for discussion and interaction from the comments students would make on each other’s PowerPoint presentations? Could that not be said of Wikis as well?

    Just thinking!

    David Abraham
    (Module 5, Blog response #2)
